My account
Getting Started
- How to get started?
- Buying
- What if there is nothing to buy?
- Help! I've been overcharged for packs!
- What is Identity Verification or KYC (Know Your Customer)?
- Your Profile and Room
Skateboard Hall Of Fame Marketplace
- How do I get started using the Marketplace?
- What is the Marketplace?
- What is the difference between the Shop and the Marketplace?
- Why isn't the Marketplace in the app?
- How do I create a listing?
- How do I buy some?
Identity Verification
- What is Identity Verification or "KYC"?
- Why do we require identity verification (KYC)?
- Who performs the identity verification?
- What do I need to verify my identity?
- Why are my identity verification attempts failing?
- Why does the ID or Selfie step keep failing?
Crypto what?
Pack Odds & Rarities
- Are packs and serials completely random in their distribution?
- What do "Odds" mean?
- How do odds work?
- What does "Odds Per Pack" mean?
- How are odds represented and why?
- Where can I find the set odds?